
Friday, March 18, 2011

My Shy Princess

My daughter is shy. She is quiet. And at times, she is an introvert. She does not like yelling, and she cowers when an adult she is not around a lot gets in her face. She does, however, have a heart of gold. She loves kids both big and small! She gets so excited around kids she even squeals. I think it's so cute! I love those little quirks about her. That's what makes her unique.

I say all that to tell you my little Laney shocked the socks off of me and made me cry the happiest of tears while we were in Disney World. We arrived Thursday afternoon and Friday morning, we had breakfast at Chef Mickey's. That did not go over as well as I'd hoped. She kept one eye wandering around the room making sure one of those "characters" was not going to wind up within reaching distance. She even hollered at one point. So I was a little concerned Saturday when we had planned to have Breakfast with the Princesses at Epcot.

Delaney doesn't like cartoons. She likes shows with real people mixed in with muppet type characters. She doesn't really even know the princesses, so I was sure it was going to be a disaster in the making. We walked in and had our picture taken with Belle, and that went over okay. After that, we were seated for breakfast, we ate and while we were eating, the most amazing thing happened! The princesses called all of the little girls over to join them in a "parade" around the restaurant. My angel, my shy little girl, got down out of her daddy's arms and ran after Ariel. I wish I'd have taken a video. She was unsure, her head was about 2 feet in front her body, as if her head was saying, "Do it, it's okay!" and her body was saying, "Don't get that far away from Mommy!". I let her go by herself. I even let her get to where I could barely see her, and she was mesmerized by Ariel and following her along. I cried the biggest tears of joy. It was, the cutest thing I have ever seen my princess do! She was the smallest one in the parade, probably the shyest, but she marched around and waved. I love my princess!

I keep thinking about the trip, and that is the first memory that comes to my mind. It's funny how she went to Ariel. My personal favorite princess is Cinderella. Delaney's Aunt Mae's favorite was always Ariel when she was Laney's age. It makes sense that Delaney loves Ariel after seeing how much she loved the beach and the pool! She is a water baby! She's been carrying around her Ariel doll since we got home. I am proud of my little princess!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Okay, so if you know me well, you know we are still in our "starter home". You know, the house that was going to last a year or two. Yeah, it's been nearly 6 years now and it's not gotten any bigger. BUT, there finally seems to be hope that things will all be updated and finished. And even more talk of moving. We are hopeful we will be blessed with the house we have dreamed of. We are looking for a house on land where Joe can have his shop.

Until then, I keep trippin'. I am trippin' on toys left and right in this tiny house. My living room looks like a small daycare center. There is a couch, loveseat, coffee table, end table, entertainment center, and 3 toy boxes and one toy shelf, and I am IN HEAVEN! My house has never seemed more perfect to me. Stuff everywhere, but it is so full of life now!

It's the little things, and as I turned out the lights tonight, it's that little thing that struck me! I am blessed!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Joyful Noise

I have been teaching 10 years. I have had lots of snow days in those years. Sometimes I thought I was going to have a snow day and didn't. Other times a snow day came without a flake on the ground. I have always enjoyed snow days. I know we have to make them up, it's just nice to lounge around on a cold winter day. Not to mention, I hate driving on snow and ice. But a few years back, snow days were unbearably quiet for me. I had a lot of time to reflect on the fact that I wanted to be a mother, and snow days gave me even more time, which I probably did not need. I remember one day in particular, I called my friend Brooke. Her house was chaotic. She had a toddler and a dog, and it was so loud I could barely hear her. We laughed about that on the phone, but when I hung up I wasn't laughing. I was brought to tears. My house was so quiet. The TV was on, but there was joyful noise missing. That noise, that many parents don't hear as joyfully as I did in that moment. I know Brooke hears it that way, but many don't. Today, Laney threw several fits. It was loud in my house this snow day. An easy day to get frustrated as a parent being cooped up. But, instead, I thanked God for that joyful noise. Because, someone out there would love to hear it. Someone wishes that she can comfort her crabby toddler. So, I will take this snow day. I will hold the memory of a crabby Laney near to my heart. I will thank God tonight for the gift. For the joyful noise I heard on this snow day!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Where did it go?

Two years has passed since I welcomed my little baby girl with open arms. I looked at the clock when I began typing this and realized that I had just about begun to push around this very time 2 years ago! I was so nervous!

A lot has changed in those 2 years. Laney no longer lays on my belly to go to sleep. She no longer drinks out of a bottle, she doesn't even need my help to eat. She is so independent and so loving. She is so sweet and shy. She's the quiet observer. She can get noisy, and let you know she is there, but it is on her time! She loves gifts, and she doesn't even have to be the recipient to love them! She is truly an angel and I love every minute with her. She brings so much joy to people. Wherever we go, people stop us and tell us how good she is, sweet she is, or cute she is. When people stop us, I realize how much joy she brings. I wonder how much more good she will do in the world. What will this little sweet, shy girl turn out to be? I hope she always stays as sweet as ever and has a heart of gold!

Thank you to each of you that prayed with me for Delaney! I am truly blessed and thank God for my gift each day!